Saving Kids from a Mysterious Disease. Plastic Surgery Hot Topics with Rod J. Rohrich, MD

Video Author:Rod J. Rohrich, MD

Published on:October 23, 2018

In this video, Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Editor-in-Chief of "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" uncovers how a reconstructive microsurgery procedure can stop a rare progressive disease in its tracks.

Read the November 2018 PRS #PlasticSurgery article, "A 26-Year Experience with Microsurgical Reconstruction of Hemifacial Atrophy and Linear Scleroderma " by Chen, Schmid, Isreal, and Siebert.

For consumer information on plastic surgery, and to find a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area visit

Keywords: plastic surgery; #PRSHotTopic; kids; pediatrics; linear scleroderma; Parry-Romberg disease; atrophy; hypoplasia; rare congential facial deformities; reconstructive; head and neck; facial pain; hair loss; migraines; seizures; soft tissue; microsurgery; free-flap transfer; syndrome; scleroderma; burning out; facial atrophy; deformity; young children;